Hauppauge hd pvr capture software
Hauppauge hd pvr capture software

hauppauge hd pvr capture software
  1. #Hauppauge hd pvr capture software install
  2. #Hauppauge hd pvr capture software drivers
  3. #Hauppauge hd pvr capture software driver
  4. #Hauppauge hd pvr capture software software

If you get a couple black frames in between, it's easy. Yeah, they always cut directly to the advert, which makes it harder. I've done a number of PalladiaHD captures too, like Jeff Beck and Rush R30. You pay for 24 hours of uninterupted service and they only give you 18 hours. Looks like the cable companies don't want you recording anything at all. I guess if you want to get a complete recording then you have to manually record it with the Hauppauge (and hope nothing goes wrong) but if you're recording late at night (1am to 6am) then the DVR prompts to go into disc saver mode and screws up your recording.

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

I recorded the Fleetwood Mac concert on Palladia and it stopped recording a couple of minutes too soon. I recorded a football game Saturady that I knew was going to run long so I recorded the show after the game also but I was still missing about 45 seconds of the game where the first recording ended and the second one started. Might be worth paying for that Fame-Ring Smart Cutter to get exact frame editing.

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

The other problem is shows like Palladia cut to commercial or returns from commercial without any kind of break (sometimes cutting off too early and coming back too late) so I miss a few seconds of the concert. A lot of my cuts have pixelation or some weird kind of corruption. I wish that TME would have the capabilities to cut the commercials without re-encoding. I have to cut it in sections to make sure it stays in sync. The only issue I have is on long captures (3 or 4 hours), I get sync issues at the end of the file if I try and just cut out the commercials with H264TS Cutter. Total Media Extreme captures very well so I'm glad I got it to work. I tried all the things I mentioned in the first post that caused TME to crash and it worked fine.

#Hauppauge hd pvr capture software driver

The newest driver installed fine this time.

hauppauge hd pvr capture software

#Hauppauge hd pvr capture software install

I guess the driver had gotten corrupted or if I remember right, I had to install an older driver before because I couldn't get the installer package to work on the latest driver.

#Hauppauge hd pvr capture software drivers

I reinstalled the video drivers like fritzi suggested and it cured my problems. Tried Total Media 3.5 and it gave me an error messenger telling me that another program was using the Hauppauge and that it couldn't access it so I uninstalled it also. Yeah, I tried to try GB-PVR also and couldn't get it to see the TV screen so I uninstalled it.

#Hauppauge hd pvr capture software software

Would like to know what software others are using to capture with the Hauppauge 1212 HD-PVR. Half the time, using the TME software, when it doesn't crash, I have the same issue when I hit play on the STB, TME doesn't I have to restart SageTV for it to see the channel change or pause. I tried using SageTV and it captures fine and does not crash my computer but it does not react when I pause or change channels on the STB. Arcsoft did not build the Hauppauge version of TME. They refuse to fix the issue for the software bundled with the Hauppauge saying that the bug is in Hauppauge's software. I've checked both Hauppauge and Arcsoft forums for an answer but the only fix I can find is to purchase the newer version of TME which supposedly does not have this problem. Either way, I have to restart the computer to fix the problem. It either causes my screen to go black (black screen of death) or it freezes the PC. It doesn't do it every time but often enough to make capturing a PITA. I have a problem where if I try and pause the STB or change the channel or pause the software or try and close it that it crashes my computer. What is a good alternative to Arcsoft Total Media Extreme that ships with the Hauppauge HD-PVR?

Hauppauge hd pvr capture software